i'm on a slow burn [J - Leader Needed]
mall-caps;text-variantConfusedmall-caps;">IT'S ONLY cript;">FOREVER, NOT LONG AT ALL

His moment reunited with his childhood friend was over just a quickly as it started; Ezekiel appeared on horseback, sliding from the massive equine with ease and towering over the two younger coyotes. His question was not about Priest at all, but about Talitha. Where is your mother? The young de le Poer, glanced over his shoulder and moved to offer the trinket sent with him out to the Aquila. "She ain't coming back. She said," he paused, clearly in thought, before repeating the final words Talitha had said to him before leaving him at the borders. "Her heart's here with you, but she's gotta find him. Wanted me to give you this." He nudged the painted cameo pendant toward the older man without fear of his larger size.

"Think she sent a letter with the jackal, but she's slow." He referenced the Egyptian woman who had raised him with seeming ease, as he never knew that Talitha had wisked the weaver away without the weaver's permission and kept her from contacting the clan by force. Sa'adat, so much smaller than the hybrid de le Poer, never put up a fight. She cared for Priest and Vermillion without question, and when it came to send Priest to Ezekiel, he had heard Talitha give Sa'adat permission to return to Enkiel, another familiar face from the pup's past.

A few short seconds later came the petite frame of the al-Masri woman, clothed in nothing but her pouched belt and covered in the scars doled out by Talitha. Priest looked to her panting form as she collapsed near him, before Ezekiel, and began to mumble in Arabic. He'd never managed to understand her, but Sa'adat had learned well enough to communicate in English. "Mother said you'd take us back. Was she wrong? I can't leave, I won't be able to find her," he stated, turning his red gaze on his uncle before glancing off in search of Symera. The coyjack remained with head bowed at the golden Aquila's feet, clutching rolls of paper in her arms and waiting for his words.

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