you thought you knew me

Adelaida did relax as the female before her dropped to all four and moved back. The last were she had run into had only advanced on her, come closer and closer, while this one seemed to respect her wishes. That was a comfort, but as long as the creature did not magically disappear Ade wasn’t completely content. So worked up in her terror she did not realize or recognize the subtle hints that she had hurt the other’s feelings. The idea that she was capable of so did not even cross her mind. Normally she would have been mortified to hurt another’s feelings, but she did not quite view the shapeshifters as others, at least others like her. Did not really think they were the same as normal wolves, and so although it made sense they could feel emotions, Adelaida did not really consider that.

And then the beast spoke again, and the voice was familiar. More so than the scent the other carried with her. And she spoke of them meeting before. But as far as Adelaida knew, they hadn’t met before. She had only met one shifter and it had not been this female. More words from the female. And the content of those words clicked in place with the conversation she had, had with a female. "Iskata?!?" Ade’s eyes stared in disbelief. And then she silently cursed herself for being so foolish. Umbra had said the shifters were capable of going about as normal wolves, as Iskata had been when they first met. So why was it Adelaida had assumed Iskata was a normal wolf. Although she recognized the female now, she was not able to completely relax. The fangs were recovered by lips, but the fur along her spine refused to go back down. "Iskata? I didn’t know... Didn’t know you were one of them."


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