Don't Judge a Book By It's Cover

Hotaru Lives Hotaru TalksHotaru thinks

OOC: Shall we end this? Word Count:310

Despite the fact that the horse was frozen, it still tasted wonderful to the blind wolf. It had been so long since she had eaten anything larger than a raccoon. Hotaru devoured the carcass, eating at the belly and digging in further to reach the rich liver and heart. Those parts of the horse were filled with the nutrients she needed to survive and would give her the boost she needed to get to the next large meal. Although Fawkes hunted for her every day, it was not enough to sustain a fully grown wolf. Even Fawkes took advantage of the carcass. He flew down and positioned himself far away from Hotaru. It wasn't safe for him to be near a hungry and blind wolf. She might chomp on his tail by accident.

Hotaru wasn't bothered by the coywolf's attempts to get at the food. After all, if it wasn't for the small female, Hotaru would have never found the horse. Therefore, it was only right to allow the stranger to feed on the carcass as well. Eventually, Hotaru and Fawkes had gorged themselves. Fawkes flew back up into the trees to clean his feathers as Hotaru stepped away to clean her fur. Because the carcass was frozen there wasn't really a lot of cleaning to do, just a little bit of blood here and there she had to deal with. With her belly full it was tempting to just go to sleep, but unfortunately that wasn't the safest idea. The grey wolf would have to travel back to the pack lands before she felt comfortable enough to take a nap. Instead, Hotaru turned to the coywolf and bowed her head. "Thank you for telling me about the horse, I really appreciate it." Even though Hotaru didn't know the strangers name, she figured the coywolf wasn't so bad after all.

Table by: Alex

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