Light at the end of the world
Grynn screeched softly, and Dalgina stared in amazement as Neela made the same noises. "Teach me how to do that!" That was so cool. If Dalgina could do that she could talk to Grynn all on her own. The falcon nudged her ear affectionately and flew off, much to the pup's delight. She was convinced that Grynn was finding the new thing Dalgina was asked about, only to be disappointed as Neela explained the falcon was probably just hungry. She had no idea why Grynn would leave to get food. They hadn't been here that long. Dalgina had just arrived, and they'd just played around.

Neela bent down, scooping up the tiny pup. Dalgina squalled in protest before nestling into the thick collar of fur around the collie's neck. It was nice and warm, and not as rough as [html]Mahn[/html]'s fur. She nibbled on the long strands a little as they walked around before deciding they didn't taste very good. Her ears raised as she listened to Neela sing. The songs were very nice, different from the rocking deep songs of the arctic her mother sang, or the gentle lullabies and celebration songs she'd heard. They were more spirited, songs about life and the funny happenings in it. When Neela reached the choruses Dalgina joined in a little, her voice piping along as she tried to sing with her, not knowing the words.

Grynn flew back in, and Dalgina grinned at her as they entered a clearing. The crashing of water sounded nearby, and she twisted around to get a better look. The black puppy yelped in surprise. There was so much! Dalgina had no idea so much water existed in the whole world, with no end to it. It was peaceful, and so different from everything else. If Dalgina had been older she would have tried to capture it, hold onto that moment with all her might. Instead it sent her squirming, fighting against Neela's grip. She wanted to be out there, to touch the water and explore every bit of it.

A huge curved wooden object was the center attraction though, a strange thing that Dalgina had never seen before. She listened as Neela introduced it as Meria Lea, her boat. It was funny that it had a name. Dalgina wondered if that meant it was alive too, kinda like a water tree. She stretched forward to get a better look, only to feel the dog's grip tighten uncomfortably around her. She squealed in protest, trying to get some wriggle room.

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