Of Wolf and Man

OOC here.

Word Count → 000

The cowboy admitted at not being great dealing with technical stuff, but that was fine for Amy. He probably wouldn't understand what she was removing anyways, and Amy herself wasn't too sure what to expect. The box was moved to a position Amy could work with, and she set to taking it apart with the tiny tools. It was difficult, the tools occasionally slipping from the frames, leaving gouges in the wood. At some points Amy lost her patience and just tore into it, ripping into the wood impatiently. The board was removed at last, and she stared at the back in wonder.

Not taking her eyes off it she murmured a reply to the dog. Not too sure. It's human though, so someone will want part of it. Even her highly educated mind couldn't make much sense of the material. Delicately she wove her hands through wires, tearing them out without ceremony. A couple tubes were in there, and Amy took those out in tact. They could be used for building something that needed hollow parts. A spinning fan was removed as well, but that was all Amy could make sense of. The rest was just a bunch of random bits to her.

Standing back up Amy scooped the couple odd pieces into her arms and deposited them on the couch. She handed the miniature tools over to Wayne, and continued scanning the room for more possible items that she could sell at a later date.

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