Future world

It had been at least a week since the awful discovery. They had returned to their home, their real home, only to find that what they had feared really had come to pass. It was claimed. Not just their den, but a huge portion of the lands surrounding the area. And from all the scents they have smelled it seemed as if there were many of them, perhaps it was even the biggest pack in the area. And with so many members Adelaida was sure that some, if not all of them, would be shifters. Alexey had seemed less upset by that idea than Adelaida, but Lexey was always capable of accepting certain things before her sister. In other cases it would be Adelaida to calm down Lexey, they worked well to ground the other. Yet there was no pacifying Adelaida on this one. The idea of the shifters in her den was too much, she hadn’t wanted to see any of them, and so they had left.

Now that they were truly homeless the offer Umbra had given her resurfaced in her mind. She had not accepted then, due to not knowing where her family was exactly, and because their lack of numbers. However with Alexey back that solved both problems to a certain degree. She had news of her parents and her sister was by her side, and even if there was only three, at least that was better than two. Adelaida had mention to her sister she wanted to introduce her to a friend. And although Umbra wasn’t really a friend, they had met only the once, he was the closest thing to a friend Adelaida had besides Alexey herself. So Adelaida had come back to the area Umbra had said he would return to, if the other territories did not pan out, which Adelaida assumed they hadn’t for returning here she had smelt wolves near the other lake as well.

With Alexey close behind, it had not taken long to catch the scent of Umbra. For a while she had been worried she would not find him here, that she had lost her opportunity when she had refused his offer the first time. And even now he might change his mind, but he did not seem like the type. After finding his scent it did not take long to track him, and although he was sleeping when she did, that did not deter Adelaida. Giving a smile to her sister, the creamy female with the chocolate face stepped close to the male, nudging him with her snout. At the contact she recalled their departure, the friendly embrace he had given her, and Adelaida decided she did not mind the closeness at all. Stepping back she called out musically, playfully almost. "Umbra... Umbra.. It’s time to wake up. I have someone here who wants to meet you... You can’t meet her until you wake up though."


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