Who can say where the road goes? Only time...
[html]OOC:// Aplogies for the wait on this, I haven't been at home to post really, am back now though XD. Also Word count: 574 words.

The obsidian fae settled herself more on the rock, one hand tapping a rhythm onto her knee, she was mildly impatient, she was desperate to see someone, anyone, just to know that someone she had cared for was alive, she had dared to hope that someone would be, and now she dreaded disappointment. Jade eyes scoured the landscape, the dense trees all around her housing small animals and birds, finally she settled on staring at a small rabbit, it's nose twitching every now and again as it nibbled on grass and stared up at Soran warily. For once, the Twilight Vale lady had no intention of attacking the small creature, she wasn't hungry enough to warrant catching it for food, besides, she was sure that the wiry creature would lead her on a chase around the forest and she had no time for that, she was waiting, even if her call turned out to be fruitless, she would give it a chance to be answered. She hoped for anyone, even someone she did not know, if they had news about someone that she did she wouldn't care, even knowing that someone hadn't perished in the fire would be good enough for her, with or without the physical evidence to prove it.
Soran was not waiting nearly as long as she thought she might be though, the slender fae had no idea how far the packlands stretched on for, there could be a wolf coming from the other side of them, that could be as far away as the ocean was she guessed. But as the slender fae began a more rhythmatic drumming, now using both hands to tap out a beat, a familiar shape appeared through the trees, a familiar flash of bronze pelt that ceased all of the fae's drumming and caused a smile to stretch across her dark lips. Soon enough the scarred wolf stood before her, for a moment, Soran was horrified, he was so scarred, so wounded, he was adorned with far more lines showing signs of healed wounds than he had bore than the last time she had laid her green eyes upon him. For a moment she had the urge to fuss over him, to panic and worry over each new line, each new cut, each bandage, but she realised that there was time for that later, now she was just pleased to see her old warrior friend alive and unburned.
As soon as Skoll had uttered her name Soran leapt from the rock that she was sat upon, landing neatly on the forest floor in front of the bronze male, she threw her arms around him carefully, not wanting to catch any new wound, to pull any stitches out or to squeeze on any bones that night have been broken. She embraced him quickly, before releasing him and standing before him again.
"Skoll, old friend, it is most wonderful to see you again, after the fire I feared that you would all have been lost. I am well thank you, much better than I was at least. How are you?" She asked, her eyes scanning over each new battle scar as she spoke, she wondered if that had been a ridiculous question, it seemed that the bronze warrior had been in the wars even more than she had, had fought off yet more foes. After a moment she added, "I see you're freshly wounded, what has happened?".

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