A million to one
[html]OOC:// No worries on the shortness Smile Is it ok if I set this in the morning time? I have another thread in the evening you see. Also word count:795 words Also I just realised what you'd put in the second line, sure it's open to everyone XD

Soran had once again risen before the rising sun, she could not pinpoint where this new strange form of insomnia had come from, when the nightmares came and she awoke in a cold sweat, she understood why she could not force herself to go back to sleep, but now she awoke early without the nightmares and was able to watch the sunrise each and every morning. This particular morning the dark fae had not even attempted to lay there and return to the oblivion of sleep, knowing that it would be a fruitless task and she would simply find herself staring blankly at the whitewashed ceiling of her room until she eventually conceded defeat and clambered out of the bed to start her day. Today though she at least had a good alternative, she had spent a lot of yesterday sorting out the books she had found in one of the abandoned Haven manor rooms, and she had uncovered a few gems amongst the dusty tomes, there were many of her old favourites hiding away in the old cardboard boxes. So she had pulled herself out of bed, tied her long mane back out of her face, and had then proceeded to carry some of the old books downstairs, into what she was planning on making into the library. The dark fae had left a selection of books for herself though, old favourites and books that she thought would be interesting, and so she had spent the rest of the time before the sun had begun to peek over the horizon slotting her books into the old wooden bookshelf that hid away in one corner of her room.
After flattening the large empty boxes that the books had come in and putting them back into the disused room, deciding that they may indeed come in handy later for storing other things, the dark lady decided to go and get some breakfast. The lady padded outside and onto the porch of the large Twilight Vale house, her eyes adjusting to the faint early morning light rapidly. The lady stretched her limbs out, raising her long arms above her head, before deciding that she would need to shift to hunt properly. In a practiced motion, she allowed her lithe limbs to shorten quickly, the bones shrinking back to their usual length, her spine shifted to the position to accommodate a quadruped form as opposed to her bipedal form, her mane seemed to shrink back into her scalp and neck, shortening until it was no longer than the other fur that covered her body. Soon enough the only evidence that the lady was ever a shifted biped were the necklaces around her neck, the scarlet and jade tattoo on her arm and the pair of silver hoops in her left ear.
Once the shift was completed, the lady bounded down the porch steps and into the main packlands with a grace and agility which made her appear much more youthful than she was, as if her fifth birthday was not actually rapidly approaching. The lithe lady had not been outside long when she spotted what she was looking for, a fat little rabbit sat crouched in the undergrowth, chewing nervously on a piece of grass, it's wide eyes darting here and there, checking for predators. Soran smiled, the muscles in her strong legs rippling under ebony fur as she moved closer, her paws leaving no marks as she stepped. As silently as possible she approached the brown furred creature, she was within striking distance when suddenly its large brown eyes fixed on her and it bolted. Not skipping a beat, the dark lady pursued it, her lithe limbs moving quickly as she attempted to catch up with the small creature. Finally she managed to snatch it in her powerful jaws, her sharp teeth ending it's life quickly, satisfied with her victory she sat down to her breakfast.
Once she had finished her meal she began to explore her surroundings, once realising that she was in an area of the lands that she was not familiar with she resolved to explore. Moving at a much more relaxed place now that her belly was full and she was content with having been able to catch a rabbit easily, as she had been able to do when she was younger, she peered around, exploring every path, noting every leaf, every rock. Soon she spotted a dark wolf sat near the border of the lands, near the shimmering lake; slowly she made her way towards him, finally coming to a stop a few metres from the yellow eyed stranger.
"Hello there, may I help you?"Soran asked, a cheery tone to her voice, she was hoping today would be a good one.

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