[m] It Will Only be You
He could tell she was brooding, even if she didn’t let it show visually upon her features, but the way she walked, her quick looks, her eyes opening ever wider, oh he had gotten to her. But her reactions weren’t as vicious as he had hoped, his energized form wanted her to over react, wanted her to lose it so he could wrestle and fight her, because he himself gained much enjoyment from the pre-flight festivities before the grand finale. But it wouldn’t come to pass at least for now, she seemed content to sit on the sideline while the girl he danced with decided to tighten her hold on him. He really should have just untangled himself from her, should have stopped leading her on, and stopped taking advantage of her ignorance as to why she was being used.

Then his eyes followed her graceful form, watching the way it moved among the crowd, while his dancers eyes were on him, his where firmly planted on X’y. The grin on his face widened as she attempted to gain the females attention, his grip loosened on her while hers tightened. When she tapped her shoulder Saluce almost laughed but felt the young girl dig her claws into his side.

“I told you to go if you valued your life,” he repeated as he left his mates eyes too look upon her. Finding her eyes seething as she was about to turn to face X’y. Finally he decided to act to save the girl the trouble of cleaning up her body from a pissed of X’y. His hands firmly pushed her from him but found her claws digging in tighter like she had claimed him, a long sigh escaped his lips, as she defiantly held onto him, trying to act very much like a worthy woman, but ending up not knowing she had brought a knife to a gun fight.

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