[m] It Will Only be You
Her softening demeanor, caused his grin to grow into a full blown smile. Her rhythmic body slowly starting to move with the band playing their unknown tune. Her voice seemed to rise just loud enough for his ears old and he blushed under his cheeks. There was really no real deep plan, just to make her jealous, maybe in a way to get her back for the times she had danced with another male. Her gloves found their way to his hands and he intertwined his fingers with hers, with a calm that seemed to wash over him he rested his head against hers that was currently take refuge against his shoulder.

“Oh but it wouldn’t have been as fun, plus I rather like seeing you show your dominant side,” he replied in her ear, their conversation meant only for each other and no other wandering ears. His X’y was a beautiful thing, and all the more when she showed her physical strengths. It routinely gave him a front row seat to see how those toned muscles, and sleek curves moved with a fierce undertone that most often caused a surging reaction deep within him. Maybe it was their nature, to apex predators, and very much alpha’s in their own mind to delight in the others shows of dominance, he wasn’t sure, all he was sure about was he was still just as crazy over X’y as the day he had met her.

The music reached a faster pace, becoming something he recognized vaguely, if the beat wasn’t off so bad, but his feet moved to the beat, his arms lifting hers upward before letting go of one. His body moved in accord, leading her while twisting his wrist leading her into a twirl. Again they separated as long as their two arms would let them, his enthusiastic showing at his groin open for all to see. If one was embarrassed by such a blazing display then they need not be on the dance floor. His blues looked across at her at the small half beat pause before bringing her back in and spinning her back to his form. This time he pressed her right up against him, molding his body to her backside as the stepped together to the music.

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