Home Invasion Robbery
[html]OOC:// Mummy's here XD. Word count:1082 words

Soran had been up for a great deal of time, she had risen before the sun this morning, and had been on her feet and wandering about exploring since. After her meeting with Umbra this morning the jade eyed fae had shifted back into her Optime form, she was indeed favouring this form most recently; she enjoyed the convenience of having opposable thumbs and being able to cover large expanses of ground with fewer steps as her legs were longer. The ebony lady had once again tied her long, wavy mane back into a tight braid at the base of her skull, stopping the dark unruly strands from falling into her jade eyes, however there were a few hairs that were still disobedient enough to have escaped the braid and the lady kept having to brush them from out of her face as she walked. After exploring the area around the lake, both before and after she had met Umbra, she had decided to move onto Twilight Vale's surroundings on that side, having not explored that area properly yet. And so she had set off, padding slowly through the lands, allowing herself to drink in all of her surroundings, adding each portion of the landscape to her mental map, much as she had done when she had first arrived on the Bleeding Souls lands and had explored there. Now, as that home had been burned to the ground, now that she had relocated, she was repeating these actions, finding a small enjoyment in once again mapping out a land, though she was frankly tired of moving, she had done too much travelling, she had left too many behind, she had decided to settle in Twilight Vale for good.
The sun had raised to the midday point and then had begun to sink neatly into the West as the dark lady had ambled, exploring every trail and interesting piece of ground she came across, she was in no rush to get anywhere and so felt that she could take her time and wander as much as she pleased. There was one thing she was constantly aware of though, and that was the scent of an area, she was constantly vigilant for the scents of other wolves, of other packs, she was still hunting for familiar faces who had not perished in the fires in the old lands, she was still desperate to find some other wolves, and having found Conri, Khaden, Naniko, Lucifer and Skoll alive had raised her hopes for finding other former friends, especially Deuce. The ebony lady longed to find her former lover, the pallid female who she was still so in love with. Also having found both her sons had made the obsidian mother muse over her daughter, there had been no evidence of Dhalia in the Twilight Vale packlands, nor did it seem that she had been in contact with Conri or Khaden, though perhaps it was just the case that they had seen her and her red daughter had sworn them to secrecy, not that the ebony fae would blame her daughter if she wanted nothing to do with her ebony mother, like she would not blame Khaden if he eventually decided that he did not want Soran in his life. It did not stop the jade eyed lady longing for her youngest boy to accept her though, as her ever forgiving Conri had done.
It was as Soran mulled over these thoughts that she found herself walking aimlessly through an expanse of dimly lit forest. Not that that affected the fae in any way, she had the night vision of a huntress, seeing in the dark was no issue for her. The chill of the forest was extensive though, a strong contrast to the heat of the day, it was almost blissful, the sudden relief from the heat, and so Soran continued to wander, pleased that she was able to cool off, the sun had been strong all day and her black fur absorbed heat like a sponge absorbed water. It was as she basked in the cool of the shade that the dark fae caught a scent of another wolf. A feeling very much like the one that she had felt when she had scented Khaden at first washed over her, the dark lady's stomach twisted in knots with the familiar sensation, anticipation and fear washing over her, wondering instantly if she had once again come across Khaden, or even Dhalia. Though she could not be sure until she saw the other wolf who was too wandering across the forest. Doubt clouded her mind, despite the familiar feeling of having caught a scent that she knew and that was yet totally new to her, like she had with Khaden, like she was remembering a scent from a dream, she doubted that she would find Khaden out here, and her daughter was missing, it was unlikely that she would find her here either.
Soran padded with more intent now, moving towards the scent as rapidly as she could, curious to find the owner of the scent. Soon she came upon her, she approached slowly, cautiously, this time making sure that she would face the other creature, as not to provoke the same reaction that she had had from Khaden, she didn't want that kind of greeting again. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw the red pelt of the girl ahead her, surely it wasn't? She refused to hope this time, she would not be so lucky as to see her daughter again. Cautiously she approached the red girl who reminded her of Hollow the instant she laid her eyes upon her. As she broke through the trees she instantly said, "hello," to announce her arrival, she didn't want to sneak up on someone again and have them lash out in panic. She stopped a fair distance away from the red fae, marvelling over how the young lady looked so much like Hollow, especially now she could see her fully, the pelt colour matched the cruel male perfectly, even the fae's blue eyes matched his, well one of his, for a moment Soran wondered of she had indeed found her daughter, but she quashed that hope rapidly, she did not dare risk hoping that she had found Dhalia as well, just because she had been lucky up until now, it didn't mean that her luck hadn't already run out on the finding loved ones front.

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