You might think

Word Count → 322 :: Out of Character text.

Sophie didn't notice her friend's company at first, chasing little silver fish and clacking her jaws happily, but at the giggling and strange noises coming from their direction, she turned her head and saw what had to be the grossest thing on the planet. Why was Terra being all cuddly with that boy? Boys were icky! You were only supposed to do that with family, weren't you? And he didn't look like family. Huffing slightly in irritation, Sophie went back to her game, laying her ears flat to try and ignore the disturbing noises made while they nuzzled each other. She couldn't help but be a little annoyed; Terra was supposed to be having fun with her, after all, and instead she'd gone and found some stranger to play with. It wasn't fair.

No longer quite as interested in playing with the fish as she'd been a few minutes before, Sophie stole another glance at the two and furrowed her brow in confusion. She had no idea what was going on over there, but it was strange enough that she didn't want to be around it anymore. It made her uncomfortable, and had it been Leon, she'd have whined at him to get his attention; but Terra wasn't family, and she could play with anyone she wanted. Sophie just didn't want to play with them. Scrabbling at the side of the trough a bit until she managed to get a good grip, she heaved herself out and then tumbled to the ground, rolling for a moment in the soft grass before she regained her footing. She shook herself off, and then glanced back at Terra, laying her ears back a bit and wrinkling her nose before she began wandering off, shaking her feet out as she went. She'd just find her brother or Light on her own; if she yelled really loudly, as she hadn't before, people wouldn't step on her. Right?

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