change of hand

just to let you know, i wanted the ground ginger pouch, the aloe vera plant and the witchhazel plant, thank you <3

Thoughts of what he would do with the horse began to overtake his mind and inspiration hit Saul hard. There would be no more perfect horse for Temeraire when his son grew than the stallion in front of him. Hermes remained Saul's horse entirely, and Finn and Arete were both two young and jittery to serve as a horse for a young wolf. He would rest easier knowing that Temeraire had a companion that was calm and docile, who didn't seem to mind being prodded and poked. He knew that it would be a long time before his son was ready to start learning to ride, but Saul was certain that the horse in front of him would be perfect for his son. A feeling of satisfaction settled over the male as Amy considered his offer. With a blunt word, she agreed to the price he'd set. Saul returned to the chair she'd offered him when he'd first stopped outside her stall. She named her price on knowledge and Saul dipped his head in agreement. She went on to consider what she wanted, before naming the carving. A wooden map.

"A useful piece" He murmured as he set his satchel on the ground, replacing the chunk of wood he'd removed first of all before searching for the flatter length of wood that would serve better in this endeavour. Green eyes turned up to the left, a thinking pose if anything before he began to slice away sections of wood. "I'll answer the blood poisoning question first, its the easiest." He said, collecting his thoughts. Half of his knowledge came from experiances, while the other half came from the reading he'd learnt. "First, you'll need to make a tourniquet above the area of the worst poisoning, to prevent it from spreading any more than it has. You'll need to use the leaves of the Alfalfa plant, as well as the leaves and flowers of the Burdock plant as purifiers. Alfalfa will remove most toxins, while Burdock cleans the blood as well. Make sure these are ingested- they won't work if they are applied topically. A secondary line of treatment comes from cleaning the wound that the blood poisoning came from- Marigold and Witchhazel are probably the best at cleaning wounds of all kinds. For pain relief, you could use Poppy seeds, although Chamomile would work at calming the patient without leaving them truly drowsy."

He offered, his hands working almost unconsciously as he began to carve around the outside of the America's. He'd seen many atlas's from the univeristy in Halifax and the books he'd found in Ichika. He moved on to his home, thinking about what he could say about Ichika. "Ichika no Ho-en is a peaceful pack- we aim to spread this peace and love throughout Nova Scotia. We encourage mateships and children from these partnerships, although any children are a blessing. We are spiritualists for the most part, although there is no set religion that we all follow. Ichika is a place to grow and learn." He finished with a sense of satisfaction that he'd done at least a little justice to his home. He sensed that perhaps this female did not appreciate the finer aspects of life.

He was quiet for a while after then as he concentrated on shaping the continents, taking away more and more flakes of wood as he worked. He enjoyed what he did and he was glad that both of them would benefit from this trade. Blowing softly to remove any of the sawdust that was getting in his way, he allowed cinnamon backed ears to perk forward, listening for anything the female might say in response.

word count → 616 ;; image © Fir0002/Flagstaffotos ;; table by lin
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