Home Invasion Robbery
Dhalia had the intentions of staying in the forest for the better part of the day, halfway because of the heat and halfway because she was intent on finding what she needed to. She had given Gabriel his messaged from Ahemait and Stygian, she had even gone to see Oxford, whose sent seemed to be fading from his own den. Now was more pleasure than business, gathering up the items needed to proceed with her hobby. First it would be the weighted items, things to help her set it all up, and then she would go in to more detail. It would involve raiding many closets and stores from the city, but it was a job that she did not mind. Everything that she created was art and, most often, it was even interactive.

A flash of black caught the corner of the girls eye, causing her steps to slow and her eyes to creep across the row of trees ahead of her. "Is that you, songbird?" She called out in a sweet voice, stopping beside a tree and pressing one hand up against it. Before she had time to receive a proper answer, the being was in front of her, speaking. Brows lifted in that moment, eying the other female, who looked oddly like the songbird that she had spoken of. This wolf was much older though, and the voice didn't match at all. Aside from that, the scent that permeated off of her made her head spin, seeking to dig up memories that had been long forgotten.

"Oohh..?" The girl practically purred, head suddenly cocked to the side. While she couldn't exactly place the woman's scent, it was the other scents that clung to her that had Dhalia so interested. Scents from her childhood, her once-family. It had been a long time since then, though, and perhaps her mind was playing tricks on her. "And you are?" She asked then, voice oddly smooth and eyes calm as they took in the figure of the other woman. The girl was almost the mirror image of her father aside from the smaller stature and two clear blue eyes.


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