[J] A leap of faith
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ooc: I'm assuming he has an accent? Or it would sound like that to her? :3

While she waited patiently for the male to find comfort, she gave herself a moment to fully survey him not with scrutiny, but curiosity. He had the wares of a loner, or rather the trademarks that marked him as such. Though he did not smell offensively, his musk was rather strong accompanied with a few twigs and debris that clung carelessly to his pelt. When the wild was one’s home, such luxuries like grooming and regular bathing were deemed unnecessary unless they were afforded to them; or at least that was how the Nomad had perceived the wanderer’s role when she was intimately a part of that world.

Also the lack of certainty of food tended to have a show all its own. While the male looked healthy, it was not without a hint of the absence of extra weight often seen with a full stomach. However he looked capable and fed for the most part, baring no signs of malnourishment. She observed these signs with an expression of relief noting with satisfaction that he was indeed capable. She found it difficult to believe that one could survive as a loner without some able skill or determination toward prosperity. But then again, these were all but assumptions based on what she could see firsthand. While there was a positively light that she chose to see, there was always a dim possibility that he was a victim of charity; fortune’s child made to look more able than what he was. And while she chose not to assume this possibility directly, she would have been ignorant to dismiss it.

“Ichika is considered a refuge and home for those that seek sanctuary and tranquility,” she confirmed with soft tones. “But we are not only that. We are a family not only bound by blood, but by the bonds that we forge with each other. We seek to aid each other, to teach and learn from one another, and help those that we can, not in the spirit of exploitation or to gain something other, but because we can and we want to see our brethren prosper and be well. As one that has not yet experienced this profound bond that we share, I can only offer you a look into this life initially… but if is up to your heart whether it seeks to call this place home.” Gently she smiled. “I assure you, that a search for peace and tranquility will turn into a want to embrace these people as your own. ..so long as your heart is willing to be open to this and experience what these lands have to offer.”

440 words.


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