why can't I be

Ahhh...I suck. Muse decides to stand me up, and I'm left fumbling, it will get better soon hopefully.

The feelings of past torment seemed to reappear in her dreams, being helplessly overpowered and without a voice to call out. Faces of people she cared about were there, only to vanish to nothing when she awoke. The young hybrid was awake once again, the dark girl rubbed her eyes with small hands, only to peer around the room with wine-colored orbs. The room she slept in was too large for just her to dwell in, the room was dark, and very much like an empty void. Lifting herself from the tattered and slightly uncomfortable mattress. She was too tired to rekindle the fire, to bring the flames back to life. A soft warm fur cloak lay in a heap by her feet, delicate hands picke it up and wrapped it around her body. Joining Anathema wasn't too difficult, Naniko was nice and the cut over her palm wasn't festering or remotely painful.

The dark winding caves were foreign to the young Italian, Selene had already been lost twice? Earlier and the day before when she had been accepted into the cave systems. It was still early in the night, she couldn't possibly be the only one wandering aimlessly through the mountain. She huffed a small sigh, lost once again to the dark tunnels. Soon enough she'd be familiar with the place, know the ways of the large pack in a couple of weeks. The coydog tried her hardest not to accidentally traipse unwanted into someone else's room, fearing embarrassment and I'll feelings towards her. Sel's body was still sore from past events, her ribs sometimes left the young femme breathless, and unable to walk. She was thrown from a large elevation, off a grand ship onto the docks, left for dead. A warm glow from a communal room caught her eye, it appeared as if no one was occupying that area. Someone was keeping the fires going, which made a smile creep to her tired face.

Selene's body sought the warmth of the warm flickering fire, she moved closer, and sat in front of it, half sitting half laying beside it, propping herself up with one arm. It was deadly silent in Anathema, it was possible to hear a pebble drop. Nothing compared to the lively festival she was at earlier on. [/html]

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