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News of the festival put her in an excitable mood, but not so much to keep her from her daily rounds. With the sun still at its morning peak, gradually drifting toward its afternoon height, X’yrin was able to trek purposefully through the territory without worry that too much time had been gone out of the day. The mental schedule that needed to be adhered to was a light load for the day, little more than catering to the Ranch to ensure the Ma-Tzu was well taken care of and assisting where needed.

A light load gave her ample time to think about what to collect for the festival. What did she have around that she could sell? With the collection of furs sitting unused in the recess of their den, perhaps they were fetch something nice in exchange. But what she wanted in return, she didn’t know. The act of bartering was never an interest to her, rather giving away to those that were in need was enough of a compensation to bring a smile to her face. But while that may have sufficed her in the past she was not only living for herself now, but for the family she cared for. For Saul and Nayru, and of course her mate. Perhaps something would look of interest to her when they arrived at the grounds. Surely with so expansive of a collection of merchants and patrons, something would bear interest to her. She need only wait and see.

While she was content to wander in thought strolling along the side of the black road that tread along the Denalli-Wolfe home, a scream stirred her from her thoughts. Immediately her hackles rose in alarm as her ears darted forward in search of the voice. The frightened squeaks brought her running into the sparse line of the woods. And immediately to a helpless… albeit humorous sight. When her mind had made her think something of an attack has happening within the woods, the sight before her was anything but. Rather, it was an attack of a different kind, dealt as a lesson for a curious pup. As the woman gave her heart a moment to settle she strode in lengthy strides toward the frantic pup and the creature attached to her hide. By her standards, a harmless marten… but to the pup, a painful nightmare better to be rid of.

Hovering above the two, she swept an arm down to snatch the long vermin by his tail and hold it still. In fright in released the innocent pup but not before turning his fangs on his capture, gnawing at her fingers in the hopes of being set free, but her hold was firm and the creature so was irrefutably small. Ignoring his wriggling and helpless barks, she turned her curious amber eyes to the little pup to assess her damage. “Are you alright?” she asked kindly, reaching out her unoccupied hand to beckon the child over so she could better see if she was injured. “Did it bite you hard?”

510 words.


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