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The feisty creature was becoming more of a nuisance as the seconds ticked on. Though she had no reason to kill it outright, there was neither a purpose to release it back into the wild to cause more trouble. Despite the circumstances, it was fortunate that she found the pup and this irritant of an animal. While the creature itself as useless, offering little more than a morsel of a meal, its pelt was usable, especially one with a white pelt as the one in her grasp.

Shifting her attention from the pup to the wriggling creature, she swiftly grabbed the struggling creature around its neck then dexterously folded her palm around its head and stuck two fingers down its throat to block its air. When the little beast went into fits, she returned her gaze to the little dark pup to look over her bleeding wound. “Oh dear…” her ears fell back with sympathy as she voiced a whine of concern. “That looks like it hurts. You were very brave for enduring that pain little one. Would you like me to make it better? Or do you want me to take you home?” It perhaps would have been better to take the pup back to Jace before her mother wondered about her whereabouts and at least cleanse the wound to make it sterile. But while it seemed only natural to pursue the courses, the Nomad was left patiently waiting for the pup’s decision, reluctant to take action in the fear it would overstep some boundary between herself and Jace. While she cared for the woman as a friend, X’yrin had learned that some parental lines were better left uncrossed unless asked to otherwise.

In her palm the marten continued to struggle in valiant attempts to bite and scratch his way out of that calloused prison, wriggling its body around in the hopes of prying itself out of the female’s hold and breathe the free air again. But pitted against a power greater than his own, his efforts were admirable, but futile and as his gasps for air were blocked by thick claws, his body no longer struggled and eventually fell limp in her hold, twitching faintly as the last of his life trickled away in a thin clumps of excrement in the snow. As if she hadn’t noticed the animal’s death at all, she continued to smile kindly at the child.

402 words.


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