Phoenix Rising
Her ribs were finally healed, her arm itched damnably, but wasn't painful any longer. The missing ear piece she couldn't do anything about, nor could she do anything about the newly gained scar. She was lucky ahren hadn't taken the eye. Deuce had been dividing time between wandering through the lands and working on her cottage. She'd found one with a small porch. It wasn't much different than the home she'd claimed in the forest by Twilight vale. She'd spent the ast few days there, actually, just sitting on the porch, wondering where her pups were. Noah was with his father, of course, but she hadn't seen hide nor hair of taliesin.

She had decided to walk to borders of the future pack again. It was the land they'd chosen afterall, and Deuce wasn't willing to see any of it go to anyone but them. The borders were intact, so Deuce walked down the boardwalk, when she saw something somewhat odd. Livestock, in a pen. She arched an eyebrow, making her way to the house, where she could see Iskata on the porch swing. Without asking, she sat herself on the porch step, leaning against the railing and looking at iskata.

You look like hell, my friend, she said bluntly. Who got ahold of you and tore you up?

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