Just a little rest

Savina’s words made Cercelee pause, the realization (which she had refused to acknowledge before now) sunk in. When she returned Savina wanted to come? When would she return? Of course she had to return at some point, Dahlia de Mai needed their leader and while Haku was fine for a while she did not want to leave the pack in his hands for too long. There were weeks before she really had to think of it, her neck healed so slowly and still she couldn’t put any weight on her hind leg, but she had been avoiding the idea of returning since she had come here. Naniko and her mate, Conri, would of course grow tired of housing a wolf that wasn’t really a member of their pack, or so she assumed. Of course, Colibri stayed here as well and she was not a Twilight Vale member. But Colibri had no responsibilities to return to, Cer did. She had to go back, and she missed the lands, the wolves there... yet she didn’t want to return. Not for a while. Not while she looked like a monster. And when she did return who would welcome here? Of course they would notice her gone, she was their leader and her absence in the middle of war would be noted, but who would miss her? The idea that she wasn’t missed made her want to stay away all the more.

"You are welcome there anytime. I don’t know when I am returning exactly, but I’ll let you know. I will need some help." Her musical voice was warm and cheerful, the inner turmoil never showed on the surface. Cercelee had no idea if any of her pack members would come to fetch her when the time came, but if they didn’t at least she knew that Savina would follow her there to see her off. Cercelee exhaled and listened to Savina’s explanation. She had noticed the accent, but others had accents too and Cer really didn’t know enough about the lands across the sea to match accents with places. Firefly had an interesting drawl, she came from Ireland, but her knowledge stopped there. However, the country that Savina mentioned was familiar at least. Pilot had mentioned it, when he had told her about Insieme, now disbanded. "Italy? Did you know of the Insieme pack? I heard that their leaders had come from Italy... I don’t know what happened to them though. The pack’s gone now." Maybe Savina had come from Insieme before Twlight Vale? A month was a short amount of time to switch packs, but if she had lived in Insieme and they disbanded, she would of had no other choice.


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