Not Friend

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Dalgina wagged her tail as the wolf talked to her about horses. They were huge, but they also came in funny colors. Black she could understand, being black herself, but a blue horse just sounded silly. Dalgina giggled lightly at the idea, her tail wagging slowly. She pressed her paws into the female as she talked about them belonging to the pack, a word that Dalgina was just beginning to understand. As far as Dalgina could grasp, it had to do with all the canines smelling the same, but that was as far as her understanding went. Saul was an exception, since he smelled different but was still pack.

Hearing that Dalgina could be as big as a horse she shook her head. No. Horses are gigantic! I'm tiny! Picturing herself as big as a horse was too large a stretch for the sweet puppy, despite her vivid imagination. She could picture herself quite big, and even maybe standing on two legs like her mahn did. The future was still a hazy mess to the dreamer though, something along the lines of being more of the same of what she always did.

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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