Beating the Master at their Own Game

OOC wow that was fun to read! really good! post in the practice thread too? skoll not jump in yet, so just us two still

Terra caught the look her friend gave her, and smiled apologetically. She didn't really know what the tent was for, though the smell did intrigue her. Looking around Terra smiled gently. The old wolf seemed to be fairly secretive, something that tempted her. For once Terra wasn't gripped with the need to flirt, instead having her trickster personality take over. Smiling softly she met the male's eyes. Good evening. I've watched people coming from your tent. Exactly what secrets are you telling them? Terra couldn't answer Caspa's unspoken question, as she didn't know the answer herself.

His head raised, a serious expression on it. Good evening, young hybrid. I reveal the future to those who wish it. Terra stopped herself from snorting in disbelief, her tail wagging slightly. A challenge then. She didn't believe that the future could be read, though she knew that a person's actions could be gleamed from observation. That's probably what this man did, observed the mannerisms of his guests and then spouted out a bunch of vague stuff that was sure to come in. Of course, she couldn't insult the old man. He was an elder. She glanced to Caspa with a wink before taking a seat. Will you read mine?

Let the night take you away

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