She's a dancer on the glass

WC: 367. Ffffff I love this table.

And it's warm and real and bright o/`

She had woken up that day feeling strange, but happy nonetheless. Giselle did not let the odd, warm feeling stop her from what would be today's activities. Silvano was finally ready and able to see the grand winter festival for himself, whereas she had gotten a head start not a few days before. The dark haired woman was sure to pack some spare books and notes along that she was willing to trade, having nearly been unprepared for all of the merchant's and their goods the first time the Dreamer had meandered the marketplace. Just as Giselle was ready to leave, her prince's dark head poked in through the doorway and - making a quick grab for the large wicker basket - they were off for the festivities.

The journey was lovelier than the mahogany princess would have thought, enjoying the company of Silvano as well as the sunny winter day. There was a bounce in her step whenever they departed, and despite how long it took, there was plenty for Giselle to sing to the white-top pines. She knew Silvano longed to ride his horse, but he was still too young, but her heart fluttered whenever she imagined the knight riding across the plains on the strong stallion, carrying her with him. As they arrived, the petite woman took longer to halt in her steps, being slowly brought back from her dream-like state of mind.

Tilting her head up at the man's reaction to the festival, she gave a genuine smile. "It's a wonderful sight," she commented. The last time she was here, she had bumped into Ezekiel, and though she told Silvano of their encounter, she did not bring up the golden prince again. A part of her wondered if he would be here again, but bit her lip at the concern of a confrontation between the coyote and the tall dark knight. Giselle did not want that to happen. The woman took his proffered arm delicately, like any lady would, her hips pressing close to his side. Oh, you don't have to do that, Silvano~ A blush crept up her cheeks at his offer, her voice modest. I'm just delighted to be here again!

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