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ooc: Would you say to a couple more posts and then she takes her back home?

She had hoped that her little comparison would give the pup something to hope to grow toward, but as it stood the little one was more perceptive than she gave her credit for. But then, this was only her first encounter with the little one away from her mother’s protective gaze. Smiling, she gently placed a massive paw atop the little one’s head then brought the same paw to her own with an inquisitively raised brow. “I suppose you are a little small…” she affirmed after her ‘measurement’ between the two of them. “But it won’t stay like that for long,” the woman assured her. “By this time the following year, you will be much bigger, maybe your mother’s size, or bigger.”

Knowing now that the girl had some concept of size, there was no point attempting to give her something ridiculous to aspire toward. The likelihood of reaching her height was nil at best. If anything she would perhaps be a little taller than her mother and just as capable if she followed the direction of her caregiver. The Nomad could see that the little one had potential. It was just a matter of finding the right vein to be rewarded with the riches.

202 words.


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