Something Just for You
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ooc: Any particular colors for the scarves?

The first thing she learned very quickly when it came to sells was to pay attention to what was going on around her. Not just with the other venders, but with her personal space as well. Her mind was so far gone on its own random course, that had it not been for her companion roughly nipping her ear, she would have missed the oddly colored jackal (as far as she could tell) coming toward her. She leapt in place and lifted her head as the female came nearing and stared more at the feline draped around her neck than what she could have had to trade. But she was certainly made aware of it, when the contents of her bag spilled on top of the stand, furs and metal now covered with colored scarves and trinkets.

“Oh my…” X’yrin murmured in awe as she finally brought herself to stand to look at the assorted items now covering her own. From what she observed, several traders tried not to do something like this, hardly ever showing anything unless asked for it. But maybe this was something new, she wondered. A more efficient way to barter? It certainly gave her a means to look at the articles and assess them, most looking odd and not of interest. But the fine woven cloth she did notice with some interest and as her patron had done for her, she reached out to gently caress the slick fabric, smiling as the cloth ran through her fingers like liquid. It felt strange, but looked very pretty.

“You are more than welcome to my furs,” she welcomed with a smile, initiating the trade without truly realizing it. “This cloth is very pretty…” she took two of the scarves, one a glacier blue that reminded the female of the snowy she-wolf Kiara, and another colored ocher that bore a striking resemblance in color to the mother of four, Jace. While she saw no reason to have the cloth for herself, perhaps they could make better use of them. She draped the scarves over her shoulder then dug underneath the buried pile for a particular fur she felt was worth the effort. She freed a large badger hide from the pile as well as a small marten fur. “Would this do? You may try it on if you'd like to feel it's warmth.” She inquired, hoping the items would be enough. As a last thought, she reached into her mane and withdrew a speckled feather then placed it on top to make the set complete.

427 words.


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