Beating the Master at their Own Game
Words: 412

Eee thanks, that's good to know as it was really pure vomit-posting... Quick, somebody stop that Caspa! I told you she'd be awkward. xD aand I'm on it. I think.

Caspa should have known that Terra had as much idea of what was going on as she herself did. There was certainly an impulsive streak running through the coywolf that the calculating Caspa lacked. She didn't disapprove in any way, but knew she would have to keep her wits about her to avoid getting quickly out of her depth. At least she had some basic academic intelligence, which most of the time allowed her to keep up, and when it didn't she had a really good line of knowing stares which papered over the gaps. Terra had jumped to a conclusion now though, which was the right one. Of course she would be capable of this, though - a lucky guess was never pure luck, but a mixture of keen intuition and practice, and Caspa knew Terra had a natural talent, because it was what most mental magic was crafted from. There was always a logical explanation for these things. When his answer came, though, it was accompanied by the claim of something absolutely not logical nor reasonable, and almost blasphemous. Only prophets could do such a thing, and this man was not even a follower of the true light: he wore no symbol, for a start, and he would never have been peddling foresight in an occult environment like this. Mere mortals were not given this skill, so he was a fraud. She knew that - in the same way as Terra had done - an educated guess could always be made: but to claim it as a true extra-sensory skill? Caspa disapproved highly: it was dishonest and misleading to the uninitiated. Unfortunately, her friend was more open-minded and stepped forward, seemingly taking the bait. Caspa did not want to stand by and watch the old man make a fool of himself. "Excuse me," she stammered hurriedly and swung to slip back out the way she'd come in, when the luperci male's voice halted her for a moment. "Are you scared of the dark, too, pilgrim?" Caspa's ears clamped beneath her leather hood, feeling suddenly a little ashamed without really knowing why, as well as rather surprised by his words - could he have recognised her symbol or her face? Or was it just another educated guess, inspired by her squeamishness? - but her decision was still resolute. "I'll be outside, Terra," she muttered and made a final dash for the exit.

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table image credit to Burksy@flickr

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