[joining] marching on
Words: 436


Caspa was quite used to involuntarily surprised reactions such as his. For one like herself, a half desert-bred dog which mostly threw back to the sand side of the family, this was quite the unfriendly climate... probably why there were more wolves and wolf-heavy hybrids to be found... and she could only stand the harsh conditions by using her luperci skills. In addition, she was a rare thing however you looked at it. Most of the mixed-blood lines had already blended into either a non-descript mongrel dog, or become overpowered by the stronger and nearer-wild wolves and coyotes. Hers had been carefully preserved by her forefathers, but not entirely with good intentions. Still, here she was and here he was, and she knew that like everybody he'd get used to her strange looks sooner or later. It rather pleased her to come as a shock more often than not, too.

"Caspa," she returned, "and I hope we can make you welcome. Alder is here somewhere, I saw him not long ago, with his great horse." She could not help the note of resentment creeping into her tones at the memory of the frighteningly large animal, but quickly shrugged this off as best she could, hearing the nerves in the male's speech and wishing desperately that she was better at putting individuals at their ease. She gave a few wags of her silky tail, and then sat down to attempt to inject a more informal air into the proceedings. "I am sure you will be very welcome to join, Trent. Please tell me, what are your skills or specialities? Here in the Court you can choose to stand as a courtier, performing more domestic tasks, mostly, or there is the Cavalry if you prefer to pursue the physical side of life and train as a Knight." She blinked at him benignly, unaware of how off-putting her formal mode of speech could sometimes be - this was not the language of her birth, and she was always far too anxious to be precise when using it. However, for Caspa this was a truly relaxed and benign manner of speaking, for her heart was already gladdened by the sight of the decorative potential recruit, despite his air of intimidation. Hopefully he would soon learn not to take her too seriously... although she did like to think she could be worthy of the respect shown if she needed it, she was ever-mindful and approving of the pack policy to be relatively lenient upon their borders.

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table image credit to Burksy@flickr

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