
"Hmm, well your mother could have too. Well, actually, both your parents were." The redhead knew that there were never any children with a single parent with the curse. It was transmitted through sexual acts, which he had learned in Toronto and vaguely understood in Michigan. "Both parents, actually. Can't have a pup like you and not be one yourself. Both my parents were. My father wasn't before he met my mother." Strel's father had been born normal, traditional, though his mother gave him the virus that changed him. He had resented that fact and that Strel seemed so willing to use the curse. For his father, shifting was uncomfortable and at times painful, and with his children it was flawless. How could he not resent that?

"I don't know about the rest of my pack. We couldn't shift in public sight so I don't know who was and wasn't one of us. My family was, and I'm almost positive that my alpha was, too. He seemed quite hateful of it, though. Maybe he wasn't." There were laws in that pack that Strel refused to follow, to believe in. He left and never looked back. Once, after he had settled, he had left, hoping to find his brothers looking for him. They did not and he returned. After that, he never left. Now he was here and this was his home.

Strel nodded at her, noting her small smile. "Survival comes first." He patted her gently on the shoulder and returned her smile. "But now, survival is easier here, so you can learn more about them and enjoy what they offer."

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