Duty and family
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Regner Vilhelmsen
Check my vitals signs and know i'm still alive
Word Count :: 385 Herp derp derp I suck at replying quickly to stuff recently, sorry T_T

A patrol then, so it seemed from the woman's answer, either that or the pack had noticed his observations and set somebody to follow him, either was equally possible from a pack that he knew so little about. Just as Regner was about to speak there was a squeak from his hip, Adelle had woken and was wriggling curiously, wondering what was happening outside the shelter of the blanket. For a single, tense moment Regner stood stock still, wondering whether to expose Adelle to the stranger or cut his losses and flee, eventually deciding on the former; this stranger had given no overt indications of aggression beyond what was reasonable for a wolf encountering a stranger near her border.

Regner gently peeled back his cloak a fraction, letting Adelle both see and be seen, the puppy's bright blue eyes gleaming in the darkness of the cloak, a happy bark issuing from her mouth as she caught sight of the woman who had confronted him. Underneath the thick fur and leather Regner could feel her tail beating furiously at the sight of a stranger, ignorant of the potential danger the stranger could represent. Still Adelle was just a puppy, she wasn't expected to be able to identify enemies by both language, that was Regner's job. "Aye, you are right there. You will find neither here however, just an old man and his granddaughter."

The comment about his age rankled Regner slightly but the old dog didn’t react, the situation was too precarious to get offended about the truth so instead he nodded gravely, "I agree, but situation forces my hand. I will not be around forever, my granddaughter needs a home." Regner wondered how the woman would react to this statement, in his experience puppies were good candidates for joining a pack, especially when they were young enough to grow up loyal to their home.

Regner realised that he still didn't know the woman's name and decided to remedy this. "I am Regner, formerly Betydning of the Broderskab. Might I ask who I am speaking to?" Regner didn’t extend his hand in greeting, that would be a level of trust that wasn't present, and instead thumped a clench fist heavily against his scarred chest in a formal Broderskab greeting, producing a dull thump from the impact.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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