
OOC text here

Word Count :: +414

An approving hum and a slight smile graced Regner's face at the girl's words, especially those about Adelle. Regner caught the meat that was thrown to him and motioned to Adelle that she could eat. However the puppy, who had been fed with most of the meagre amount of food Regner managed to catch, was more interested in the female at the moment now that she was satisfied that her grandfather was fine, padding over with wide eyes and a furiously wagging tail.

Regner simply chuckled and placed most of the meat to one side, putting the rest in his mouth. Adelle would start to eat sooner or later, for now he would simply let the puppy enjoy the first friendly figure other than Ilusion to grace the pair in this new land. Satisfied in the pups safety Regner leant over to the corpse and dug his fingers in, cracking open the ribs with a mighty tug to provide both canines with better access to the organs within before getting to work on one of the deer's front legs, dislocating it and cutting the limb free with one of his daggers and holding the limb like an oversized drumstick.

Adelle for her part was entranced by the stranger and was crouched near her in a play bow, alternating between darting forward to nudge at her feet and staring up at the woman. It suddenly occurred to Regner that with Adelle's age and the Broderskab tendency to nurse almost exclusively in Lupus form that this could be the first time Adelle had seen a female in Optime form; the pup having been covered up when they had first encountered Ilusion who had changed by the time Adelle had actually seen her.

Realising that he didn't know the stranger's name Regner decided to remedy this, "I am Regner," his voice was gravelly as usual but some of the dryness had been washed away by the thick, rich blood pouring down his throat from the fresh kill,"And the puppy is Adelle, my granddaughter." Regner placed his free hand on his chest, fingers splayed across the scarred flesh in another Broderskab greeting, this one more friendly than the formal greeting offered to the Salsolan wolf several days ago. Regner would have closed the distance between them and offred his hand but getting in and out of crouched was an area where his ever-wounded leg caused him problems so instead he made do with the more distant greeting.

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