[joining] marching on

Trent realised he'd been holding his breath when she finally answered, and he quickly released it again and gave her a grateful smile. Tail wagged weakly between his hind legs as he listened to Caspa explaining she would show him around and explain their laws. That seemed like a good idea; no matter how much he'd wished to be alone, since he was still feeling rather panicked - it was just easier to control, now - he figured knowing of this place's laws would be good. Then he knew what to do and what not to do, after all. He'd already forgotten his earlier anxiety about coming off as though he was befriended to Alder when they were no more than vague acquaintances.

Trent nodded. No, I'll find him later. Then he realised he'd nodded and said no, and that he was being rather vague again. Despite her smile and her acceptance, he did not want to make a bad impression. I mean - I'd love to uh, shown around. The words came out hasty and jumbled, and he offered a nervous smile at Caspa, then waited for his new life to begin.


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