Final Decision [J]


Word Count → 418

The black and white hued figure was flush with exertion. His usual habit of tracking the deer and elk herds of New Dawn had proven almost disastrous today. In his enthusiasm he’d stepped too near the creatures who’d panicked and ran. It brought his instincts to the forefront, and he couldn’t help it and gave chase despite his thoughts against it. The effort proved futile in the end and he now stood spent and panting, his tongue lolling from his jaws. More a wolf for strategic hunting and ambushes, he had been little prepared for this turn of events. They were nothing but a long string of dots in the distance now, leaving the score of hunter to prey zero to one. He hung his head a moment and sighed heavily, but shrugged it off in the end. He would be back, with his brothers, no doubt, and he would feast on their meat. He was content in that fact for now and began to even his breathing.

The wolf turned and filled his nostrils with the smell of the pack border. He was not aware he’d strayed so far and turned to give it a bit of attention. He added his scent, just to mark his own trail and solidify the territorial marker, which was already supremely obvious. It wasn’t only for that reason, however. He wished to plant his scent along the line as evidence to trespassers that these borders were indeed monitored often, and enforced, they would not suffer strangers to cross. With a dutiful glance eastward, he checked the area beyond and all around him to ensure that there was no such intrusion.

Something caught his eye, then. There was a dash of red just beyond the border not far off. He stiffened a moment and brought himself towards the other, lifting his muzzle to the air as he did so, to further his knowledge by taking in his scent. Whoever it was, he was male, and he was not one of his brothers. He brought himself just short of the younger man, pausing on the inner side of the border before him. He eyed him over, taking in his appearance. His yellow and green flecked gazed paused on his face where he noticed the bi-colored eyes, and husky-like mask. There was wolf in him as well, but he was wary. “Stay put, stranger. This is the territory of New Dawn.” He warned gruffly, still eyeing the man carefully. “What is your business here?”

Table Template by the Mentors!

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