I bring good news

Word Count: 740

In Character

The crowded street bustled with the noises and hectic activity of trading. In every tent people could be heard bartering for goods; trying to create a fair, or in some cases not-so-fair, trade. Canine's traded goods in the streets as well, their frustrated tones only adding to the noise. Somewhere the yowl of cats could be heard, perhaps two companions arguing or simply wild cats fighting over territory. Either way, their angry cries only added to the boisterous atmosphere. It was enough to overwhelm any blind creature that happened to pass through. Thankfully, it was not Hotaru's first day at the festival and she had gotten somewhat used to clamorous environment.

One of the things on Hotaru's list to buy was leather. She desperately needed more leather. Leather was an important components in many of the wooden items she liked to create. One example was the bow she had on her back. The handles of all her bows were tightly wrapped with strong leather to allow hunters to grip the weapons better. Leather would also be used to give wooden tools better handles, or as straps for her jewelry. Hotaru had sent Fawkes ahead to scout out locations where leather could be bought, although he wasn't the greatest scout in the world because the bird often got sidetracked by the shiny jewelry some merchants sold.

Using Fawkes as a guide, Hotaru traveled through the rows of tents. At each booth Fawkes led her to, she would stop and carefully examine the sheets of leather. Hotaru wanted to see all of the shops before making her decision. Some traders sold poor leather, but at cheap prices. While others had leather of the finest quality that were being sold at an almost criminal rate. With Fawkes on her shoulders giving directions Hotaru made it to yet another store. The blind wolf made a brilliant use of her staff. She found out early on that if she swung the staff in a certain way, not only would it allow her to walk safely but other canines would clear the way for her. She was sure that this ended up causing people to stare at her, but she was blind so she didn't really care.

The final tent Hotaru visited was a fairly busy one and smelled heavily of meat and animal pelts. This particular tent was run by a soft spoken female, which was almost an irritation to the blind wolf. However, her wares were good and fairly priced. They leather wasn't the highest of quality, but not the lowest either. Tt came in sheets of many sizes that was perfect for what Hotaru had in mind. "Can I get two small sheets and one of the smaller medium sheets of leather? And I guess...a small sheet of rawhide." Hotaru listened eagerly as her order was processed and the sheets she requested were placed on the counter before her. The blind wolf didn't want to have to lug around large sheets of leather and rawhide, but they would still stick out of her bag. From there the blind wolf began the bartering process.

Hotaru wanted to trade her bow as payment for everything, but the trader claimed that the bow was not enough and wanted her box as well. The smallest hints of a frown touched her face as she thought about the price. Hotaru granted the soft-spoken female that her wooden pieces were not the best, from from it actually. However, the bow was well made and even had one growth ring exposed making it a valuable piece. Her wooden box was similar: the design was simple, but it was well made and could withstand the beatings it would sustain during travel. For several minutes Hotaru and the trader discussed the price. Eventually it was decided that Hotaru would give the hunting bow and the wooden box for all of the leather plus two scraps of salted meat.

With negotiations done and her objective complete Hotaru decided to sit down on a stump near the tent while she slowly chewed on her meat. After his job was done, Fawkes had flown off in search of fresh food. Festivals were great for attracting mice and rats, so he preferred to hunt those as opposed to the meat Hotaru had bought for him. It would be a little while before the red bird returned, leaving Hotaru to sit on the stump in graceful silence.

Table by Shannon

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