[J]My Blade, My Blood and My Honour
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Regner Vilhelmsen
Check my vitals signs and know i'm still alive
Word Count :: 757 I am aware that Ovcharkas aren’t the only large canines out there, Regner either isn’t or chooses to ignore the others out of pride >.>

Regner let out a soft woof of greeting as Jazper slid out of the trees. The wolf was in his impressive Secui form, Regner took a moment to look the leader over as he approached, remarking over the leader's size and strength. If not for a few subtle things that marked him as a pure wolf and not a hybrid like Regner, Jazper could have passed for one of Regner's kin, even now Regner still found it hard to believe that the large wolf didn't have at least a little Ovcharka blood in him, despite the clear signals his nose gave him to the negative.

Regner inclined his head minutely to the wolf in response to his greeting, his deep voice rumbling out of his throat, "It is good to see you Jazper." The old wolf intoned as Jazper's attention flickered to Adelle. Normally Regner would have been annoyed to be passed over so early in a conversation but instead the sight caused him to smile, remembering his original reason for seeking out a pack. Namely Adelle, if not for the little pup Regner would have happily lived the rest of his days alone, it was his desire to give his granddaughter a lasting family that had driven him here, not any desire for his own comfort.

So in that respect the sight pleased him. While he was aware much of Jazper's playfulness came from Adelle's young age it was still a good sign that the leader seemed mildly fond of the girl, as could be seen by the large wolf lowering himself into a play bow facing her. For her part Adelle managed to contain herself for roughly three seconds before she bounded forward from her place at Regner's side, skidding into a stop in a play bow to match Jazper's, her fluffy tail wagging furiously. The young girl had been born in a pack of canines where Jazper's size wasn't entirely out of the norm and showed no fear as she gazed at the large male, only excitement at seeing the same stranger for a second time.

Adelle instantly started "talking", the puppy vomiting forth a mixture of high pitched barks, puppy speak and broken Danish. With little companionship other than her grandfather the girl's talking had developed slower than her body, though Regner hoped that this would change now that she would have a wider variety of canines to talk to, and he himself more energy to talk with her.

Jazper's friendly behaviour, while highly welcomed, left Regner uncomfortable in that his instincts were screaming at him that the situation, his joining a pack, required submission of the highest degree, yet the leader's friendly posture did not seem to demand it overly much. Regner compromised and lowered his ears against his skull but little else; a small sign that wasn't disruptive and didn’t require Regner to irritate his aching leg, but still signalled that if Jazper wished for submission then it would be offered.

After leaving Adelle to her play for a few minutes, the girl had started darting towards Jazper and flicking her tongue at his muzzle before dancing backwards, Regner started to speak, the hybrid's words formal as always but a happy undertone present in his voice "When last we met you spoke of this place Jazper, your pack, you sounded proud. I did not wish to commit myself to any this early but the situation has forced my action." Before Regner could explain further Adelle, somewhat helpfully as it was, interrupted the conversation by bursting out coughing, the small puppy being mindful enough to back away from Jazper before doing so. In an instant Regner was over by the two, his hand dwarfing Adelle as it ran down her spine, "It is no serious illness she carries, but it is an illness all the same. Warmth and rest are the best cures for her, neither of which I can provide while wandering as I am now." he continued talking, his voice now grim.

"We wish to join your pack, this place you are so proud of. I am an old man, too slow to hunt and with little skill beyond my healing but Adelle is young and from a fine pedigree, she will be a strong warrior and a capable worker when she grows, an asset to your people." Adelle didn’t quite understand the words being said but she did recognise her name and let out a yip, this time quieter than before due to her now sore throat.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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