Beating the Master at their Own Game
Words: 375

Although at first Terra recoiled from the hot brew, soon after that she'd finished it all before Caspa had even tried hers. She watched as the trickster placed her cup down between herself and the clairvoyant, in a manner that suggested she was throwing down a gauntlet. Caspa inwardly grinned and took up her own cup, sipping it slowly and in a rather genteel manner as she watched what could be some interesting fireworks unfold between the two metaphysically sparring partners. "I cannot reveal that," the strange cross-breed said in steady tones, leaving an artful pause before concluding, "for you already know it, and nor is it a path. They can point ways out, but there is not always a good reason. Names are as changeable and unreliable as fire... or the wind. " Caspa wondered if he was mocking them now, or just enjoying his own little word-games. The tea was truly delicious, though, having an aura of the sophisticated and previously unattainable adult status left over from her puppyhood. She wasn't going to show much appreciation, though, ungrateful woman she was. He wasn't paying her any attention, though, thankfully, but turning Terra's cup in his hands, his eyes growing distant, but he wasn't looking at the tea leaves. "But I can tell you your name, although it is not a true reveal, for reasons already stated. I can hear the earth... you are named for her. Your name is Terra." It was only then, after a flash of disbelief, that Caspa remembered only minutes before she had spoken the exact words 'I'll be outside, Terra' and of course Macarius would have remembered this. The sly fox had chosen to dress this up as proof of his powers. "You heard me say the name," she pointed out to him in a disinterested tone. Now his eyes did turn to her, and that same smile was back. "But of course, my dear. I would never claim anything else. What! would you believe such an exact reading were possible?" and she could only stare reprovingly down at him, knowing he'd scored the first point, and with relative ease.

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table image credit to Burksy@flickr

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