Who can say where the road goes? Only time...

'Sall good, man.

The larger werewolf returned her embrace, somewhat awkwardly. After what had happened with Asphyxia, embracing this ebon woman seemed very odd...and yet what caught him off even more was the vast difference in meaning. He cared for Soran a great deal, but that caring was of a very different sort, and somehow the hug--even though all hugs were the same basic gesture--meant something completely different.

"It's good to see you too, Soran. As for the fire, I'm too alert for such things to catch me unawares. The same can't be said for everyone, but you don't have to worry about me. This..." he looked down at his arm as they broke away from one another, "Was just me doing my job. Found someone from my line of work trying to cause trouble. Don't worry, this was a special case, there aren't any others around here who would be able to put me up like this." He would skip the details...it was just very good that SteelRose was gone, now. He didn't want to think about what might have happened. She had come looking for him, but hadn't hesitated to attack Lubomir when the opportunity presented itself. If she hadn't found him, or he'd failed to kill her and she had lingered here, there was no telling what sort of damage she would have caused, especially due to the do-nothing attitude that a lot of the wolves here seemed to have regarding security threats.

"The wounds on my face and left arm are almost healed, so don't worry about hurting me." That left his left arm, the one which had been pierced deeply at two points, in the upper and lower arm. SteelRose's weapons were particularly adept at stabbing rather than slashing, which was evidenced by the difference in healing time needed for each wound. He hoped she wouldn't let his physical state dictate their entire meeting. "What have you been up to, Soran?"

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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