Big Eyes Bigger Heart

Word Count » 330 :: OOC: I got a little confused with your post, and still am, especially with the nursery thing lol in any case this is my last post for SSWM Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Eclipse was delighted to see the happiness that radiated off the black puppy. She was glad she was having so much fun and though it took them a long time to get up the steps the young woman waited patiently letting the pup rest when she could, and followed her later as they moved further into the house. Eclipse looked around, envious thinking maybe she should get a house of her own, then she could have the whole thing to herself rather than having to share it, then again she didn’t mind sharing either. Eclipse could only blink as she was confused by what was going on, and even as the young pup spoke she didn’t understand at least for a moment. Then she got a good inkling of the whole set up and smiled. Where they slept. It was a nice cozy spot and well enough for pups for sure.

“It is very nice! Do you and your brothers and sister sleep together then?”

She asked looking at Dalgina’s sister who had helped her. Her own tail wagging at the two. She felt privelaged to be getting a grand tour from the child though she felt she would be overstaying her welcome soon enough and that she would have to go within time, right now she was sure she had a good few minutes before she would have to leave.

“Is there anything else you would like to show me? I may have to get going soon now that you are home safely. I do not want to overstay my welcome.”

She said to the pups, though she wasn’t sure if they would understand why she would say it, and how many questions they would ask just from the comment she gave, but she knew that as a visitor she just wanted to make sure that the pup was safe and comfortable before she went back on her way home.

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