Home Invasion Robbery
[html]OOC:// Dude, I just realised why she's looking for all the sticks and stones, I was all like "wow massive puppets" and also "eeeeew... no kills the people" XD See how your writing divides my opinions? XD Also word count: 789 words.

The forest seemed to be dropping in temperature rapidly now, perhaps it was indeed the fact that the sun was disappearing below the sky, perhaps it was the chilled fog that was slowly rolling in around the dark fae's ankles, but Soran was sure that the real reason was that her jade eyes were now locked with the red fae's blue pair of eyes, a pair of eyes so familiar to the ebony lady that it froze her blood and sent shivers down her spine, like an entire troop of soldiers had marched across her grave one after the other. Soran knew those eyes, they were so much like Hollow's, the blue matched the colour of one of his eyes perfectly and the way the insanity and the arrogance seemed to glint behind the blue hue of those optical receptors. Dark ears flattened against the dark fae's velvet furred skull for just a moment, for just a moment the fae found that she was scared of the red female that was standing before her, the red female that almost mirrored her father's appearance totally, there had indeed been doubts in Soran's mind as to whether this had been Dhalia, but seeing her properly, there was no mistaking it, unless Hollow had once again been roaming around the lands with his merry promiscuity around the time that Dhalia and Khaden had been conceived, which was something that the dark lady did not believe was beyond him. But there was no mistaking it, she was definitely Hollow's child, else she was Blank's, but he had died too long ago to have a daughter of this age, around a year old, plus he was too sweet natured to sire a child with the familiar madness glinting in her blue eyes. There had been no trace of that insanity shining in gentle, sweet Blank's face at all.
Everything about this fae screamed Hollow at Soran, the colouring, the eyes, the manner with which the fae had spoken to her, everything, it was like staring at a female Hollow, it was disconcerting to say the least. Eventually the jade eyed lady's ears swivelled back to their correct position, though her jade eyes never left the red female, she was almost scanning her with her eyes, the powerful muscles of her body combined with the slender slightness that Hollow's bone structure provided, the very sight of her made the ebony lady nervous, if this was her child then whatever had happened at her birth, the thing that had been so unforgivable... the thing that she could not remember, should have happened to this one, she was too much like Hollow for Soran to feel comfortable around her. Though then again so was Conri, but he did not carry the same seeming madness that glittered behind his eyes that this fae seemed to have behind hers. And yet, she managed to love Conri, despite his strong resemblance to his father, she still wanted to find her red daughter and make amends, offer her a place in her own life and hope that she was given a similar invitation in return. If this was indeed Dhalia, then she would love her and try and make amends, she would just have to battle down the strong feeling of unease that rose from her stomach every time she looked at the girl, she would have to stop thinking of Hollow whenever she stared into those blue eyes.
After a few moments, the dark lady found her voice... and some mock confidence, she seemingly casually crossed her arms across her dark chest, pretending that she was relaxed and un-phased by this red fae's, (Dhalia's?) appearance, but in reality she was trying to hold her sides still, to stop them shaking every time she stared into the girl's face. She was almost sure this was Dhalia now, the scent mixed with her appearance and her manner; if it was not her daughter then she was a very close half-sister to Dhalia at least.
"My name is Soran Aatte; may I enquire as to your name?" Soran asked boldly, smiling internally at the way her voice had been clear and steady, free of the nervous tremors she was sure it would contain. The dark lady managed a quick low dip of her head to the other fae, finding herself unwilling to expose the back of her neck to this red fae for too long lest her father's insanity had indeed laced itself into her genetics and she decided to sink all of her sharp teeth into the exposed flesh. A weak smile now rested on the fae's dark lips as she awaited an answer from the red fae who stood before her.

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