We are the rulers of the nations

As the two walked along the female spoke about how she was not one to waste, no on kill when to waste. The silver male liked the child that much more; she understood that life was very precious. Though right now they had more than enough prey running around so that a kill or few that was just for the fun and game could go to waste and would not put any real dent on the animals that provided the food for the lands. He gave a nod, approving of her words. She was not only a cute little thing but she was wise. Reaching over and offering her up a soft nuzzle upon her leg. ”Smart lass.”

As they went along she was talking about the stars and everything that he was seeing form the shimmering lights that healed more knowledge then what others that had lived for years had ever had. It was amazing and really no one knew much about them, other then what she had said. She said that she had always thought that they were always just lights that shimmered down from the heaven above to light the way in the nights so that the many of travels, rouges and vagabonds had light to guide them on the ways to the travels. ”They are a w…w…wonderful thing.” He thought as the two traveled.

Not paying any mind about who was leading who and even where they were going the two walked along the paths that where set out before them, by those that had been down these paths before, more than once, and more than twice. Millions of times they had walked these paths, the silver male was willing to put his good and only front paw down on it.

Once she told him a rough idea the male sat down, sitting and thinking and then with his paw he started to chart out a mini sky map as to where things should have been when she was born. It wasn’t exact of course, but he had a rough idea. He smiled as he processed everything that he could. Well…they tell m..m…me that your g..g..g..good hearted, and you’re a f..f…free spirit. You are d…d..destined to be very i…i…important in l..l..life. Watch your risk that y..y..you take, your are p…playful and rebellious.” He gave a nod as he crossed out one of the marks. Then he allowed his good eye to go onto the next star that caught his eye. With a chuckle he shook his head. ”Fearful, r…r..reserved, and taciturn. Lass, you have f..f..few friend because of your reserved n..n..n..nature. Your importance w..w..will come by means o..o..of those who u..u…understand you the best. Though…you w…w..worry like a mother, you save f…f..for a rainy day. Sorry lass, you will not g…g..get carried away by love. The male crossed another star off the mini chart that he had laid out for her. He did not stop to look at her to see what she was thinking. He was in the middle of a telling her about what the stars where whispering to him about the little lady that asked him about these questions. Then off to the next star. ”Y..y..you are a deep thinker. Reflective. Y…y..you tend to take on l..l..long studies, or i…i…if you don’t have t..t..time to study you w…w..will teach your-self. Y…you are rational being. You c..c…can be rancor, malice, and o..o…often a bit o..o..of a pessimist.” He sighed, he dared not to look at her, he was giving her the truth about all that he saw from this chart. On to the next star that he saw meaning to. Sensual and p..p..passionate, y..you like love, and uhmmm the act of it. P…p..passionate loves, full of ardor and d…desires where the p..p..partner needs to b..b..be able to m..m..match your levels or e..e..else recriminations w..w..will follow. While y..y..you are passionate, you are also the jealous and p..p..possessive. If y..y..your lover hurts you, you c…c..can become b..bitter and o..odious. You c..c..can hate a being as much as y..y..you can l..l..love someone. Only y..y..your jealousy c..can be as s..strong as y..your hate, also.” Another one done. There was many more to go. ”You w..w..will fight against things that c..c..cannot be explained. You are a l..l..logical child. Watch your battles l..l..lass. You can go to excess in them especially against m..morals or other principles. Y..you have somewhat of a r..r..revolutionary sprit, and i..i..intrepid but p..p..presumptuous. Y..y..you are a devoted soul. Y..You will be r..recognized for y..y..your seriousness, and m..m..moral qualities. Lass, y..y..you are respectable, and conscientious. Y…y..you tend not to be open to new ideas. You are r..r..receptive, subtle but you r..r..reveals yourself when asked t..to become involved. G…g..generosity, you l..like to solve p…problems in o…order to m..m..make everyone happy. You h..h..have a good judgment, and oh… a good m..m..memory. Y..y..you are intelligent, i..imaginative, vivacious, and y..y..you speak easily. With a g..g..glance, you know what’s going o..o..on. You w..will always have a w..want to learn more. Your house, I bet i…i..is very organized, though y..y..you are a lover type. You are very i..independent. Freedom, actions, y..y..you are a non-conformist. Very agreeable c..company…clearly a..a..always in demand.” He went along and marked out a few more starts, she he looked down at the chart…oh there was more. So much more, he could tell her, but really did he had the time and did she really want to hear them? ”What do you think L…l…lass?” He chuckled as he moved around looking at the chart at a few other angels.

He thought about the old human zodiac symbols and the meanings ”Colors for y..y…you are all shades of v…v…violet and mauve and violet-purple’s. S..s..stone to keep near you a…are amethysts and sapphires.” The male sighed as he looked up to her, if she was done with hearing the things about the stars and what they told then the male would stop, if she wanted to hear more well he would give it to her. He smiled as he looked down at the map and then to her. ”T…t…this is all about you.” He chuckled.

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