Home Invasion Robbery
Dhalia regarded the older woman with little outward emotion while, inside, her brain was reeling with thoughts and questions. Why did this woman carry scents of familiar to her? Why did just the sight and smell of her bring about such a nagging feeling at the back of her mind? The reality of the situation was simple. She had been so very young the last time that she had seen her mother and, even then, the woman had still been slightly detached from her children. Dhalia could barely recall her scent and the color of her fur. She simply didn't recognize her own mother. Those memories had been hidden away a very long time ago.

It was when the woman gave her name that the floodgates were reopened, sending forward wave after wave of memories. While Dhalia was almost stunned by this, her outer appearance didn't reflect it at all. Instead she was still, calm and collected as always, while it all played turmoil on her insides. She was standing face to face with her mother, the woman that had brought her in to the world, and she hadn't even recognized her. The woman that had abandoned her so long ago. The woman that, from what she had been told, was the cause of her father's death. In matter of moments her mind was made up. She would shrug it off, act as if she was oblivious to the fact that this was her mother, and see where that got her.

"Dhalia.." She replied in a voice so sweet that it was almost sickening. The girl knew she didn't need to give her last name, she was accustom to not doing so anyways. From the moment after she spoke she welcomed the silence, drowned in it, and all she could do was continue to stare at the older woman.


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