echoes off of dusty walls.

!@#$%He had to give her some credit--she sure wasn't panicking and she wasn't screaming in his ear (which was a relief). He felt her bite him on the scruff of his neck, but for now he was just grateful she was attacking the thicker skin here and not the delicate stuff halfway around on his throat. That didn't mean he didn't find the random sideways jerking annoying. Dropping forcefully to the ground, he sought to make his entire body dead weight. His teeth remained clamped down on her leg, and he dug his nails into the soft earth and began to pull them both somewhere, hoping that it would distract her from the incessant shaking. She may have been taller than him, but he still weighed much more.

!@#$%Still, eventually this would get old. Anselm's jaws loosened around her limb, but they remained tight enough that his teeth might graze her leg and paw if she tried to yank it away, or he his head. Releasing it suddenly, he twisted his head around and took a quick snap at her throat and waited for her to recoil. The second that she let go of him, he would dart away and off to the side before she could get a good hold again. If she insisted on holding onto the back of his neck, he would go for her throat again, or at least the chest as close as he could get to it.

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