fast pass down a one way track.
Anything else you want to happen here? :o

!@#$%He wasn't sure that she understood how deeply the knife had been thrust, or the demented ceremonial essence of the slaughtering. He had never before seen a body strung up like that, like some sort of lynching. Perhaps, if he stopped to consider it, he'd realise that Inferni's wolf skull decor was not exactly civilised itself--but at bare minimum, he was fairly certain most of those skulls belonged to adult males, most of which had probably trespassed. It was another story entirely to slay the innocent who were on their own damned territory.

!@#$%You did it, too. He had honestly believed that the wolf he killed over yonder was the one that had done it. The flowers, the pack scent... he'd been too angry to realise that it wasn't the same exact wolf. Something in him dropped, and for an instant one of his legs felt like it might give out. They were all hypocrites, but sometimes he felt that he sensed it more than the others, Gabriel especially. Whatever. There was no room for this emotional nonsense now. He stiffened his leg (and mind) and glanced off to the side for an instant, only taking a moment to nod in response to her words. Yes, this was exactly why they were all so stressed out.
!@#$%What a day in age they lived in. He glanced back to her, at this point uncertain of anything else to say. He had his answers--did she have any more questions?

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