Beating the Master at their Own Game

OOC Jan 25

Terra watched curiously as he studied the cup. She wondered if she'd left marks or patterns in there with her tongue that gave herself away. His eyes clouded over though, and a slight chill ran over her spine. He was dying. Not just of old age, but something more. He had some sort of sickness eating at him, killing the old wolf. This understanding did give her a card to play though, one that could turn things in her favor. The problem was that he held them off balance, controlling everything in the environment. Terra and Caspa might be beyond his control, but manipulating others was child's play to creatures such as him and her.

His words were incredibly confusing though. Terra had nothing to do with bows and arrows, having a fear of them. Even further, she knew a bow couldn't work with more than one arrow on it. Was he implying she was foolish? That didn't seem to be the case though from Caspa's expression. Perhaps she had gleaned meaning where Terra had seen none. The old wolf opened his jaws to speak again, but this time Terra beat him to the punch. You're dying. Her words held a still calm to it, stating a fact. The old wolf blinked in surprise. We're all dying. Terra shook her head. Not like you are. Death doesn't cling to your fur yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if you already heard the singing of the stars. She might be the only one to understand that last bit, but for Terra the stars were where one went when they died, and hearing them sing was a sure sign you would join them soon.

Let the night take you away

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