Home Invasion Robbery
Dhalia wouldn't dare ask if the woman had known her father, she wouldn't even have asked had it been a stranger that had made the comment. The reason was simple. Everyone knew the glory of her father, the simple name that struck terror in to the hearts of many. They weren't even worthy of uttering the name. That, in her mind, was why Conri and Khaden hadn't been blessed with the Nothing name. They weren't worthy of being titled as such, not like she was, just like Stygian had taught her.

Leaning against the tree some, Dhalia examined her mother with little regard in her eyes, fingers tracing small lines in the bark of the trunk. "I know.." She commented calmly, adding a very light smile with her words, a smile that showed some sort of twisted pride at the fact that she so closely resembled the man of legend. In Dhalia's mind her father was the human equivalent to the Boogeyman, the tale that parents told their children to scare them in to staying in bed all night, and that fact alone delighted her. That was what she would strive for all of her life, to be the very thing that her father was most famous for. To bring nightmares to those unsuspecting individuals. She would make him proud, no matter if he was dead or alive.

"That's what happens when a parent loves you beyond anything else in the world.." Her voice was slow and clam, despite the sharpness that she intended with her words. "They give you everything about them, everything they can.." While Dhalia knew that it wasn't as simple as a parent deciding that they wanted their child to look like them, the girl felt as if something special had happened with her. Something knew that she was meant to turn out the way she had and it had made it all happen.


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