Home Invasion Robbery
[html]OOC://I apologise for the many, many giggles that go on here XD. Also word count: 700 words.

Soran mused over how the fae looked so like her father, even the way she moved, she could see him her even then, the way in which she replied to comments, the way she found some bizarre pride in being the potential scariest thing in the area. She was him reincarnated, the ebony lady would actually believe that had she not already met Stygian, had she not found out what that little red brat was capable of, now there was Hollow's prince, there was his heir, moulded in his own image, his true little prodigy, though Dhalia seemed to be following in her older brother's footsteps rather rapidly, Soran mused over this, would she too turn out to be an unstoppable psychopath like her father and brother, slaughtering her family members until she was the sole survivor? That is what Hollow had done, leaving only his two sons alive, one because he was the perfect prodigy and the other, Soran supposed he was likely to be a disappointment to his father, for a reason Soran did not know. It had been his downfall in the end, nowadays instead of feeling guilt over Hollow's death, instead of feeling anger towards him, she had nothing but a burning sense of pride for her eldest boy, the one who had slain the evil that she had been unable to catch, the one who had been strong enough to rid the Bleeding Souls lands of a rampage of psychotic tyranny.
Dhalia knew who she was, from the way she replied she had to, the fact that she had started with "I know" made it clear enough to the ebony lady that her daughter knew that she was standing in the presence of her mother and seemed to have no real thoughts on this, again the dark lady was unsure whether to be happy or sad, clearly though abandonment was something that Dhalia was not going to forgive easily, that was fine, Soran could work on making her peace with her daughter, forming some kind of a bond with her, somehow, the ebony lady would work out some way of making herself be able to stomach looking at the Hollow- clone that was her daughter, like when circus performers suppressed the gag reflex so that they could swallow swords, she would find away.
That was until Dhalia finished her sentence, she was clearly lost in the Hollow camp, she seemed to be part of the cult that Stygian and Faith had been dragged into, the cult that worshipped Hollow as some kind of god, instead of the rabid dog he had been, the out of control psychopath who deserved to be stopped long before he had been. But the way Dhalia claimed that, the childish words filled with total belief falling from her lips that brought a smile to Soran's face, before she could even catch herself a giggle leapt up her throat. This was followed by another giggle, and another and another, soon the lady was doubled over, clutching her sides as she laughed at her child, who so blindly believed that Hollow had loved her. She knew that she should be horrified, she knew that she should already be trying to save her child, to pull her out of this mindless belief, but the mental image of Hollow that had come with Dhalia's words, him dressed in a long robe, a halo crowning his red head, his arms outstretched to the sky, whilst he looked up a smile of peace and welcome etched on his face with those he had murdered around his feet, still alive, smiling up at him like he was some godly martyr, cleansing the world, like a warped church window, that was too much for the dark lady to bear, the hysterical laughter was impossible to stop now, the image was too funny.
Finally managing to catch enough breath to choke out some words, the ebony fae finally managed to declare, "I knew your father sweetheart and believe me. He did not love. He didn't even know what love was." One again the laughter started and the dark fae had to wipe tears of laughter from her jade eyes.[/html]

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