I bring good news

Word Count: 380

In Character

To sit and observe was something that required a high level of patience, something Hotaru was still working on. She sat quietly and almost completely still. Those who passed by her might have thought the grey wolf was a statue. Her red-tipped ears would twitch every now and then as she tried to listen to something specific. Her noze took in the different scents and worked hard to isolate and identify whatever the smell was. Occasionally she would bring the meat to her mouth and take another bite, but the meat wasn't all that important to her at the time. She was training her mind and honing her senses, a boring but necessary job.

The sound of approaching footsteps drew Hotaru's attention. Although many passed by, there was one pair of steps that drew closer to her. The smell of a canine, a coywolf perhaps, filled her nostrils. Hotaru's first impression of him was that he was a loner. He did not smell of pack and he had that earthy smell that loners tended to carry with them. Her second impression of the male was not as simple. When he spoke, although the words seemed nice, there was also a sinister undertone. It was very slight, but the undertone stood out in her mind because of the words he chose to use. Weapons, he mentioned weapons in a topic that was complete unrelated. He wasn't worried that she might be lost, or trying to flirt with her. He wanted to know if she was armed, and Hotaru was not about to tell him no.

The male before her spoke in riddles, but he wasn't the only one who could. With her usual polite smile dawned Hotaru set to work. "What is found, is not always lost. What is seemingly helpless, can be as deadly as a snake. Wouldn't you agree oh, serpentine friend?" Her basic message was this, "I'm not fooled by you, snake." Hotaru couldn't see his actions, she couldn't see his charming smile or his beautiful gestures. Perhaps that was what gave her clarity, she could only hear his words and was able to pick out his fake charms and insidious undertones. Whatever it was, one thing was clear, the blind wolf was not fooled by the stranger.

Table by Shannon

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