[J] A leap of faith
OOC: Yes he has a slight Spanish accent

The stately female stared at him for a few minutes seeming to take in his appearance. Her stare was non-threatening and kind, yet he was certain she was also sizing him up as she spoke. This didn’t particularly bother him, as she didn’t seem likely to attack or hurt him in anyway, and he bowed his head down as he took in her words. After she had finished her inspection of him she spoke again, her voice calm and comforting. As he took in what she said his defensive pose relaxed and his thoughts turned from the difficulties associated with his decision to the good that might come out of it. That had always been the way with him really, he could spend ages agonizing over a single decision but once the decision was made he remained faithful to it through thick or thin. The female’s answer assured him, that in his search for a new pack, Ichika was the most alike his old pack and would most likely offer him the sense of connection and belonging that he had once had and lost.

As these thoughts raced through Alonso’s head, his entire body relaxed and he raised his head to answer the she-wolf. “I have searched far and wide for a pack like yours and I am absolutely certain that there can be no other pack for me. I seek a simple life, with family and friends, and will not shy away from hard work. This is all my heart wants and hopes eagerly that it may get to experience such a life yet.”

Word Count : 273

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