[M]On a pedestal of my own making
She's a maniac, maniac on the floor

Neela Garcia

And she's dancing like she's never danced before

OOC text here

Word Count :: +500

An oddly familiar shape cut through the crowd, catching Neela's eye through its sheer size. Staggeringly drunk as he was Neela still recognised the male wolf that she had met in Halifax last month, though his name escaped her for a moment before she retrieved it from the depth's of her memory, Tony.

Even though much of the crowd was as intoxicated as the newcomer was somewhere between his size, the half drunk bottle of whiskey in his hand and the massive sword on his back it seemed to collectively recognise the danger he potential represented and reacted accordingly, the rowdy wolves parting at he staggered forward.

A thick Scottish accent floated up to Neela as Tony approached her perch and the collie graced him with a smile in response to the compliment as her current song came to an end, shifting the guitar down into her lap as she bent down to talk to the younger wolf. A hail of boo's cut her off as the crowd realised that she was stopping and Neela responded happily, a stream of Spanish expletives flowing forth from her mouth towards the crowd. The foreign curses, which would likely have caused several members of the crowd to attack her if they could actually understand them, coupled with her friendly tone of voice despite the foul words, seemed to calm the crowd somewhat, many of them wandering off to find other things to amuse them for now, causing Neela to give a small laugh as they left.

Crowd problem averted Neela placed her guitar to one side and turned back to Tony, leaning her arms on her legs as she bent down to talk to him, "Fairly well yes, gotten plenty of tips," Neela bared her teeth and reached in with an extended claw, revealing a small piece of meat she had caught and hurriedly eaten, which was promptly swallowed, "How about yourself Tony?" she asked.

A bottle was offered to her and Neela reached down to take it, nose sniffing at the bottle."Don’t mind if I do." Despite the physical differences, the bottle being a opaque blue as opposed to her own clear glass bottles, a quick sniff revealed that the bottle held the same contents and Neela happily took a long swig, leaning back with a satisfied sigh as she felt the alcohol burning down her throat.

"Plenty more up here," Neela said, one hand reaching behind her to snag her three bottles and display them to Tony, "Ya want ta come on up an grab yerself a seat?" There were plenty of potential seats in the rock and Neela quickly freed her hand up, holding it down towards the wolf, all the while bracing her legs against the rock in case Tony proved even heavier and less capable at climbing than he looked.

On second thoughts maybe a bit more support was called for. Neela discretely put Tony's bottle down by hers and gripped the rock there with her other hand.

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