why can't I be

Word Count » 000 :: Out of character text here.

Io had took the trio of pups into the caves, simply because Dymtr wanted to see them. The other wanted to stay at home but Io had insisted that they do what Dymtr wanted, yet they gave no reasoning to why she wished for them to do so. They were obedient children and didn't complain when they were told to do something. Jandro had more room to do so however, as his mind was better form that his 'sisters'. She stayed quite, with the odd word here and there. Dymtr moved steadily forward, bolder in his ways than either of his siblings, even put together. 'Slow down' Io ordered him, 'And you two speed up' she shouted back to the other male and small female pup behind her. All three did as she commanded.

Moving into the fire room as his mother had described it, a very forward Dymtr ran over to the heat and to the woman sitting there. But more because of the fire. 'Jesus Christ Dymtr!' she hissed, 'Stop messing about before you set yourself alight' she warned. Stepping back from the fire, the ash and white chested pup turned to the woman. 'Hey' he greeted smiling, the small pink scar on his lip crinkling.

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