Final Decision [J]
<style>@import url(;</style>Titania Moonsong

burning the ground, I break from the crowd
I'm on the hunt I'm after you

strut on a line, it's discord and rhyme


Sorry Stormie, just posting out of turn in the interest of getting Jiva accepted/titled, so Shaw can begin posting in the ND forum. Smile Word Count :: 387

“You've met Zalen?” How did this fact manage to elude her? Her mate and fellow leader would probably have told her about this, but perhaps had been too busy. Or maybe she herself had been too busy, and wasn't paying attention when he did. Had she known to expect him here, she might have recognized Jiva from the start.

Pure happiness overwhelmed her countenance as Jiva told them of his intentions to stay. Another Takekuro, family, in this pack? Of course they were all family, but she was proud that another of her own blood line had seen the way. It was clear that Jiva already knew what was expected of him, from the proper stance he had during the entire meeting, and now this. She took a step back, giving him room as she was next to him, and watched delightedly as he laid down and turned over. It was the perfect request for entrance into her pack, only compounded more so by the fact that he was blood.

Without saying anything, Titania stepped over him until she stood above him and poked her nose down at his chest, his face, his neck. There was a moment of pause before she opened her jaws and placed her teeth around his throat, but of course she never bit down. She held that pose for a moment, pacing it by her own heart beat, and then let go and leaped off of him.

Moving next to Augustus, she raised her head high into the air and let her soothing howl sing. We have a new brother, my pack. She crooned to the land, and when that breath ran out she did it again. There was a short pause as she looked at Jiva, and it was obvious that she invited the others two to join in with the celebration. Voices sounded from afar, the wayward members of New Dawn howling back their delight.

After their wolfish announcement was complete she bounded a few feet inside the borders, pausing to look over her shoulder at the two members of her pack. “Come, Jiva! Come see your new home,” her tail, curled high over her back, wagged gently in joy. “No doubt if we go back to the den there will be others there to welcome you.”

image from dawnthieves; code template by kitty; table by raze

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